Monday, August 3, 2015

Boys Boys Boys

I've been dating this guy, Joey, for four months. I love Joey, but we've grown very distant. I haven't talked to Joey in three weeks. Not a real conversation anyway. This last Friday I was sick. I told Joey this, but he never came over to hang out with me like I was hoping. My best friend is Kay. Kay's best guy friend, Matt, came over and he hung out with me all day while every ten or twenty minutes, I was vomiting. This didn't seem to bother Matt at all. When Matt left Friday night, I fell asleep on my couch and had a dream about Joey's best friend, Logan, hanging out in an empty apartment in New York City with this girl, Jena. But Jena didn't call Logan by his name. It wasn't really Logan, but a guy named Owen. When I woke up Saturday, I remembered it was a book I was reading called Tangled by Carolin Mackler. I told Joey about this dream, but forgot to mention that it was really a book. Joey told Logan. Logan thinks that I'm just using Joey to get to Logan, but I wouldn't do that. I would just go to Logan and tell him. I wouldn't be with Joey if I liked Logan.
I went to my friend Tyler and asked him what I should do about Joey. I told Tyler that I have had a crush on Matt (true) and that Joey and I don't talk like we used to. Tyler, being a 20 year old guy and not much experience with girls, told me to do what I think is best. Thank so much Tyler. I came to you to ask you what I should do, and doing what I think is best won't do me any good. My choices are I could wait for Joey to break up with me and pretend to be devastated, or I could break up with Joey and date my best friends guy best friend and then have to tell Kay that I have been crushing so hard on Matt since elementary school. If Kay doesn't already know that I'm crushing on Matt. She's my best friend and probably already knows that I am. But if I tell Kay, she probably will just freak out, we'll end up in a fight where I'm telling her that she already has a boyfriend, Sean, that she so dearly loves. Kay and I don't fight much, but I can just see us fighting over this. All-in-all, Tyler is no help, I can't ask Kay what to do, my mom has no idea what's going on and she can keep dreaming that I'll tell her what's going on, I have five older brothers that will probably kill Joey and Matt if they find out and my dad... God, my dad doesn't even like me being a girl, why the hell would he give me guy advice, when he doesn't even know I've even dated a guy?